4Week Reset

This is not a quick-fix weight loss program. This is a program to help you establish sustainable habits into your life so that you don’t have to resort to quick-fix weight loss programs. It all starts with the basics, diet and exercise. We all know this, yet for some reason it’s the toughest recommendation for us to follow. You probably already know the importance of moving your body, and of eating whole foods, and you’ve probably heard of shopping the perimeter of the store. You may even think to yourself, “ok, I’ve shopped the perimeter of the store. Now what the heck am I supposed to do with all of this?” Don’t fret. We got you. We have spent a lot of time putting together workouts so you meet your CDC recommended weekly 150 minutes of physical activity1; and we have also put together convenient meal plans with real, whole food ingredients and delicious recipes, shopping lists included. Just follow the program for four weeks. Consider it a challenge. Four weeks with some cool new recipes and moves to boot.

Each week we will introduce a new health objective with some simple, basic, daily activities so you can further improve your overall health. Workouts will be scheduled 5 days a week and 1 day of stretching. No equipment is required.

You will also have access to us through email 24 hrs a day to answer questions.


Week One. Hydrate. We all know we need water. Our body is made up largely of water. Our cells need water so they can do their thing. We need water to help with digestion and elimination of wastes, water transports nutrients and is also a solute so our bodies can absorb some of those nutrients, it’s good for our skin and our joints… you get the point.

Week Two. Mindful eating. Did you know it takes about 20 minutes for our brains to recognize that our stomachs are full? I mean, of course that makes sense! Food is awesome and we just want to keep shoveling the good stuff in, amirite? When we blow through our meals, though, we are much more likely to overeat. This will contribute to weight gain and we aren’t doing our digestive systems any favors, either. But above all, we aren’t actually enjoying our food when we plow through it like a pack of hungry meercats. And isn’t that really the point? I mean, let’s be honest. We all know we need to nourish our bodies with food. But c’mon. We love food and want to enjoy it! That’s REALLY what this is about. You will be surprised at how powerful the simple act of mindful eating is on your satiety as well as your digestion; you may even find some of your tummy troubles alleviated, and you will feel more relaxed and refreshed! So slow down.

Week Three. Move! We all know how important physical activity is. Our bodies were not designed to be stationary. You can also take steps (see what I did there?) to incorporate even more movement into your daily life. If you sit at a desk all day, this is especially important for you.

Week Four. Gratitude. There are many other areas of focus I could introduce in this final week of our program (hooray—you did it!) that will improve our health, but this one is super important and an often-overlooked factor in terms of our health, so much so that I feel obligated to introduce it as our fourth and final health objective. Our mind. When we’re happy, it sets the tone for the day. We are more motivated to work towards our goals. We are, well, happier. And that’s sort of the point, isn’t it? You will find that when you practice gratitude the universe opens up for you in ways you may never have realized. The funny thing is, these doors have always been open, but with the clarity practicing gratitude brings to our minds, we will be able to realize them.

TLDR? Spend a little extra time to read this one. It’s important.

1.     https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/age-chart.html

Meal plans and workouts for weeks 2-4 will land your inbox on Friday, so you have the whole weekend to shop for ingredients. Meal plan for week one will arrive your inbox on Saturday afternoon. Please send us a message if this conflicts with your schedule.

Snack recipes are here for you to have some variety, but if you find just one or two that you’d rather stick with, that’s totally fine! With snacks, feel free to keep it simple, just make sure they have some fat and fiber to keep you satiated between meals and that they are whole food, not processed. Remember, this is still a challenge you’re participating in! Snack ideas can be as simple as plain Greek yogurt with fruit, fruit with a handful of nuts, veggies with hummus or smashed avocado.

Tea- you can enjoy some plain non-caffeinated hot tea before bedtime if you don’t want to make the teas in the meal plans, or some hot water with lemon will also suffice. Feel free to skip this step altogether if you prefer.


LEGAL DISCLAIMERS. Nutrition and fitness counseling is designed to improve your health and work in conjunction with your healthcare practitioners. These recommendations should not be construed as being a medical diagnosis, and the information you receive does not take the place of professional medical advice. Any recommendations we make about exercise, nutrition, supplements or lifestyle, should be discussed between you and your physician. Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your physician and clear any exercise and/or diet changes with them before beginning. We do not claim to help cure any condition or disease. Any information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client.

Just as with David’s exercise plan, consult your physician or healthcare provider before starting any dietary protocol- including this one. Give your healthcare provider this information so that he/she can make accurate recommendations. If you have an underlying health condition, it is imperative you are cleared by your physician to participate in this program. If you have any allergies or intolerances to any of the ingredients in the meal plans, make sure you exclude those ingredients from the recipe. Please send me a message if you need a recommendation for an appropriate substitution.

Recipes are scaled to the number of servings needed for the entire week for one person. If you are feeding more than just yourself, you’ll need to scale the recipes accordingly. Most of the meal plans are around the 1700-1800 (daily) calorie range, but they will vary from 1700-1900 calories. This is not a weight loss program. The purpose of this program is to focus on whole, real food and not fret so much about the caloric intake. If you’re still hungry, you can increase the recipes or snacks. If you’re feeling too full, save the rest for leftovers or freeze for a quick go-to meal in the future. If you need a meal plan for specific caloric or macronutrient intake, additional meal plans can be purchased and start at $49.

There will not be a credit towards the purchase of additional tailored meal plans from the purchase of this four-week program, and meal plans are subject to the same legal disclaimers.

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